Dream Cactus

          Hello, Everyone!🌸
          This is a very late night post.  I have been so busy today that I completely forgot to add another
piece of artwork to my blog!  Lately, I've been really into pinks.  I recently just bought a lovely pastel pink pen that  a coworker of mine showed me.  I couldn't believe I didn't spot it before!  I love the pen and I'm glad I was able to snag it before it sold out, but I really should stop it with the impulse purchases.😂   This painting is another that I did from last summer when I first started using Daniel Smith Watercolors.  I used mostly Quinacridone Rose, Moonglow and Pyrrol Scarlet.  There are a few detailed areas with a purplish hue.  For that, I mixed in a little bit of French Ultramarine with my pink tones.  Because I love soft pastel tones, I also decided to add some Cascade green for a really light mint color in highlighted areas.   Oh! I also wanted to add a bright accent color for the flowers, so I used a little touch of New Gamboge.  I really wanted the blush and pink shades to shine in this piece.  For the spikes, I used my trusty white Gelly Roll!  I will never trade this pen for another white pen.  It's amazing.

    That's it for now!  I think it's time for some sleep.😅💤
         See you all tomorrow!


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